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Article suggestions
Master Your Text
8 articles
How to find your text's context
How to identify authorial purpose
How to interview a character from your text
What texts can I find verified quotes for?
I can't find the right quotes from my text
Can I see the context of where the quote came from in my text?
How can I get the meaning of quotes explained?
How can I find the best techniques for my quotes?
Write Your Essay
7 articles
I need help unpacking my essay question
I need helping writing topic sentences for my essay
I need help writing my quote analysis for my paragraphs
I need help writing my conclusion for my essay
Will Artie ensure I'm using HSC Module concepts & language?
Is using Artie considering cheating?
Can my school detect AI writing?
Polish Your Essay
5 articles
How can I improve a thesis statement I've already written?
How can I improve a topic sentence I've already written?
How can I improve quote analysis for a paragraph I've already written?
How can I improve a conclusion I've already written?
Can Artie help me cut words down in any of my writing?
2 articles
How does Saved Items work?
Can Artie generate practice essay questions for me?
8 articles
Is Artie free to use?
Are there any credit limits when I use Artie?
How is Artie different to using Chat GPT, Gemini, Claude and other AI tools?
Can Artie help with me persuasive, discursive or imaginative writing?
What subjects and year levels can Artie help me with?
I’m a teacher or tutor. Can I use Artie?
What states is Artie available for?
How does Artie comply with the Australian Framework for Generative AI in Schools (Privacy, Security and Safety)
4 articles
How can I sign up for an Artie Pro Plan?
How can I cancel my Artie Pro Plan?
How can I update my payment details?
How can I access my payment history?